I always mentioned software development as my hobby, but now I clearly understand why it is so. It's also an art. Using my knowledge, experience, brain combined with software and hardware equipment, I am able to create something that works for a purpose and delivers results. It is a unique thing and has my signature on.
I started web development in 1996. Since then, many things have changed. It's really amazing to see how things improved and got easier. This is the point I hope LabOrange will help you. I share my discoveries on how to make things easier, how to automate tasks and how to make web development a simple process for those who have not studied software programming. Let's see the major topics I'll cover at LabOrange:
- Wordpress: Wordpress itself is a big world. It's based on PHP, which I'm not much familiar with. But in order to do the customizations I need, I'm deep diving into Wordpress, plugins, themes quite often. I discovered many useful applications and quick solutions for common tasks. I'll be sharing best practices regarding themes, blogging and Wordpress search engine optimization.
- Web design: Responsive web design is the easiest way to make your site mobile-friendly. Providing smooth mobile browsing experience is not only important for your visitors it is also important to get a good ranking at Google's mobile searches.
- Server side development: I started web development with server-side applications. With the front-end technologies like JavaScript and HTML5 it's now easy to avoid many of the server-side development but for more advanced sites, I continue to write server-side applications using ASP.NET and MS SQL.
- Mobile applications: Just to try how to write a native mobile application I wrote an Android application. I'm mainly iOs user mainly and to expand my audience and to cover a wider range of devices, I prefer responsive design, new generation HTML, and CSS instead of going for native iOs applications.