I always mentioned software development as my hobby, but now I clearly understand why it is so. It's also an art. Using my knowledge, experience, brain combined with software and hardware equipment, I am able to create something that works for a purpose and delivers results. It is a unique thing and has my signature on.

I started web development in 1996. Since then, many things have changed. It's really amazing to see how things improved and got easier. This is the point I hope LabOrange will help you. I share my discoveries on how to make things easier, how to automate tasks and how to make web development a simple process for those who have not studied software programming. Let's see the major topics I'll cover at LabOrange:

  • Wordpress: Wordpress itself is a big world. It's based on PHP, which I'm not much familiar with. But in order to do the customizations I need, I'm deep diving into Wordpress, plugins, themes quite often. I discovered many useful applications and quick solutions for common tasks. I'll be sharing best practices regarding themes, blogging and Wordpress search engine optimization.

  • Web design: Responsive web design is the easiest way to make your site mobile-friendly. Providing smooth mobile browsing experience is not only important for your visitors it is also important to get a good ranking at Google's mobile searches.
  • Server side development: I started web development with server-side applications. With the front-end technologies like JavaScript and HTML5 it's now easy to avoid many of the server-side development but for more advanced sites, I continue to write server-side applications using ASP.NET and MS SQL.

  • Mobile applications: Just to try how to write a native mobile application I wrote an Android application. I'm mainly iOs user mainly and to expand my audience and to cover a wider range of devices, I prefer responsive design, new generation HTML, and CSS instead of going for native iOs applications.

Google Acceleared Mobile Pages Project

Accelerated Mobile Pages Project & Next Gen Browsing

The idea of next generation web browsing popped up in my mind while thinking about the upcoming changes with high-speed mobile and wireless networks. Then, I decided to write about next generation web browsing first and associate it with web experience portion of new speed enhancements we’ll be getting soon. Meanwhile, Google has announced Accelerated
-> Continue reading Accelerated Mobile Pages Project & Next Gen Browsing

mobile SEO

I’m mobile! I wanna see mobile friendly websites!

Providing smooth user experience for mobile users through mobile friendly websites is one of the hottest topics of web design nowadays. Google recently announced that starting April 21; they will use mobile friendliness as a ranking signal. It means you need to be quick to support mobile devices, or your organic traffic might get a big hit
-> Continue reading I’m mobile! I wanna see mobile friendly websites!